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Getting Started in IDOC

Hello and thanks for visiting IDOC – to start playing you need to do the following.
You need a copy of the UO Client


Client - 

(Paste into your browser if does not start)


Then - A copy of the app used to connect to the server


Razor -

(Paste into your browser if does not start)


Dont run UO as it will patch and we don’t want that, the server needs the client to be at version

Run Razor and point it to your installation of “Mondain’s-Legacy-Client” (Wherever you installed it on your pc)

Address of Server is port 2593 or you can use Port 2593 


(Paste into your browser if does not start)

(If you pick this option, you don't need Razor), just unpack and double click Orionuo.exe

Account Creation is automatic – just use any user name and password and start playing

(Make sure you write the user name and password down)

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